Niels Van Hove
Retrieve the information about Niels Van Hove and his books on the go! Keep your project up to date with the ISBNdb book database searchable via API with 19 data points per book available.
My Strong Mind II: The Power of Positive Thinking (2) (Social Skills & Mental Health for Kids)
My Strong Mind IV: I am Pro-active and Keep my Emotions in Check (Social Skills & Mental Health for Kids)
My Strong Mind V: I Believe In My Abilities And Stand My Ground (Social Skills & Mental Health for Kids)
My Strong Mind III: I Set Goals and Work Hard to Deliver Them (Social Skills & Mental Health for Kids)
A Little Kiss Goodnight: A beautiful bed time story in rhyme, celebrating the love between parent and child. A great book for a baby girl or boy, or as gift for a newborn, toddler, or kids age 4-6
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